Wednesday, December 14, 2011

War with Japan

Tensions between Japan and the United States were rising in the prewar era. Due to Japn's actions in China and Machuria, FDR has frozen all Japanese assets. He knew if he made some sort of embargo that entirely restricted oil to Japan. But an embargo was devasting to Japan they were reliant on the nited States for about 80% of their oil. After failed  diplomatic discussions, Japan took action against the U.S. through an attack on Pearl Harbor setting off US conflict with Japan. Therefore, it is plausable that even without conflict in Germany, Teh United States would have engaged in war in Japan.


  1. I'd agree that war between the United States and Japan was very plausable even if the events in Europe had not occured. I believe that as long as Japan attacked Pearl Harbon the United States was destined for war against Japan. I don't think however that the United States would have attacked Japan.

  2. I agree with Hannah, that Japan needed to take action and would have started a war even without the events going on in Europe and Germany. They needed oil from the United States, and were overall unhappy with our actions, which eventually would have led to a war between the US and Japan.

  3. The real question is why did we care about China in the first place? Was it because of the atrocities? Probably not, we were more concerned with the growing competition for control of the Pacific, and economic access to China. In this regard, Pearl Harbor and the oil embargo was more of a "when" when we got involved in the war, but not completely the "why".
