Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Immigration- Current Issue

A current event that I feel is handled based on assumptions is immigration, from Mexico to United States, especially illegal immigration. Many politicains have toyed with the proposition of giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, and many have assumed that is a faulty plan because people assume that giving any sort of rights to illegal aliens will simply spure a rise in illegal immigration because it will give people hope of a better life in America. I don't jump to this conclusion because I believe that many of the people living in America without citizenship are hard working, tax paynig citizens who have made their way in the United States. I believe that this sort of amnesty needs to be accompanied by an immigration reform, giving people an oppurtunity to apply for a green card in the short term, instead of making it expensive and virtually unattainable for people to recieve. I think that our country cannot overlook the benficial economic effect of immigrants in our country, and they make up the equivalent of the population of Pennsylvania. I don't think we can overlook their contribution to our country.


  1. I agree with Hannah, I think immigration should be reformed. But, I don't think that amnesty should be given to all immigrants. Yes, there are hard-working, tax-paying immigrants, but not all are like this. Some are running from the law or living everyday with the fear of being caught. I don't think this would happen if it was easier to get a green card. However, I don't think we should let everyone into the U.S.. Those who deal with immigration should at least consider these factors.

  2. I agree for the most part but I still think they should have to go through the immigration process the same as the hard working legal immigrants. I feel it should be made easier to get a green card to this country to cut down on illegal immigration but if they are coming to this country, like many do from Tijuana to California, to traffic drugs then they should not be granted their green cards and kept in Mexico.

  3. I think that if we do allow immigrants to apply for citizenship in the U.S. they should have to undergo a background check, drug test and other tests that challenge their knowledge of our country, because if they really desired to become an American they should know some of our history and make-up as a country. (Ie: the laws, etc.) I also agree with Lizzy in that we shouldn't let everyone into the U.S. However, no matter what laws are set in stone there will always be people who try to defy the rules and will most likely try to immigrate illegally. There is no stopping people's thinking for breaking the rules, but if we open our borders a little bit more we may see less illegal immigration.

  4. How do we decide who gets to come to America and who doesn't? Should we keep our system of letting people with relatives in America, become citizens?

  5. I agree that immigrants work very hard, they are grateful to be here, and want to make the best of their lives. Another issue we read about in Spanish class is Alabama's HB-56 law, this is one of the strictest anti-immigration laws around, it makes sure all illegal immigrants cannot receive any benefits. Also, it further increases racial profiling. The police are required to ask for your papers (including birth certificate) if you even look illegal. One specific case was when a man from Puerto Rico was trying to renew the tag for his ca at the dmv. The man showed the worker his Florida drivers license, but was told to go home and get his birth certificate. When he came back the worker told him he needed a birth certificate from somewhere in the U.S. after much arguing the worker never understood that Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory. This is an example of ignorance and racial profiling.

  6. I believe that racial profiling and immigration are two completely differnt topics. Immigration policies should be reformed, and not everyone should be allowed to immigrate to this country. With our economy the way it is today, we don't need floods of immigrants filling jobs that aren't always available. But I do believe that many immigrants are legally entering the American society, and that those who enter illegaly shouldn't be given the same privileges.
