Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Immigration- Current Issue

A current event that I feel is handled based on assumptions is immigration, from Mexico to United States, especially illegal immigration. Many politicains have toyed with the proposition of giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, and many have assumed that is a faulty plan because people assume that giving any sort of rights to illegal aliens will simply spure a rise in illegal immigration because it will give people hope of a better life in America. I don't jump to this conclusion because I believe that many of the people living in America without citizenship are hard working, tax paynig citizens who have made their way in the United States. I believe that this sort of amnesty needs to be accompanied by an immigration reform, giving people an oppurtunity to apply for a green card in the short term, instead of making it expensive and virtually unattainable for people to recieve. I think that our country cannot overlook the benficial economic effect of immigrants in our country, and they make up the equivalent of the population of Pennsylvania. I don't think we can overlook their contribution to our country.