Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Technology contibuting to the outcome of World War 1

The new technologies created before and during the first World war had a signigficant impact on the outcome of the war. They also lead up to the atrocities of the second world war.
        Most of the new technologies made were weapons. These weapons had a logical idea, but were not maniuplated to be as effective as they could have been. Also, many of these new inventions were new and not widely available of renewable. An example would be gas. Gas use was introduced early on in the war, during trench warfare, and was used on both sides of the war. Types of gas such as chorene gas and phosgene, which could paralyze and kill soliders and wipe out mass amounts of tropps in a matter of minutes.
 Gas was definately a game changer, the downside was  that neither sides had enough resources to keep up with gas attacks, so they would lose the ground that they gained.
Transportation technologies such as airplanes, tanks and armored ships gained prominance. The German- Uboat use aslo influenced the United States decision on entering the war. Airplanes were intially used as a way of spying, and later manipulated to drop bombs, setting the stage for the airplane warfare which would define the combat of World War 2. Tanks were new and not used to their full capability.

The new technology especially effected the war by increasing the causality numbers monumentally, bu also contributed to the stalemate, when both sides were equally equpit with the same about of new type of technology.

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